
Showing posts from 2016

How to make Android App With in 5 minutes! Without Programming -English


How to make Android App With in 5 minutes! Without Programming knowledge


Android Context Menu Example

Android context menu appears when user press long click on the element. It is also known as floating menu. It doesn't support item shortcuts and icons. Android Context Menu Example Let's see the simple example of context menu in android. activity_main.xml Drag one listview from the pallete, now the xml file will look like this: File: activity_main.xml < RelativeLayout   xmlns:android = ""         xmlns:tools = ""         android:layout_width = "match_parent"         android:layout_height = "match_parent"         android:paddingBottom = "@dimen/activity_vertical_margin"         android:paddingLeft = "@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin"         android:paddingRight = "@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" ...

Android JSON Parser Tutorial

JSON  (Javascript Object Notation) is a programming language . It is minimal, textual, and a subset of JavaScript. It is an alternative to XML. Android provides support to parse the JSON object and array. Advantage of JSON over XML 1) JSON is faster and easier than xml for AJAX applications. 2) Unlike XML, it is shorter and quicker to read and write. 3) It uses array. json object A JSON object contains key/value pairs like map. The keys are strings and the values are the JSON types. Keys and values are separated by comma. The { (curly brace) represents the json object. {        "employee" : {            "name" :        "sachin" ,             "salary" :       56000 ,             "married" : ...